Saturday, December 11, 2010

I got a bad feeling about this

Not really, just a classic Star Wars quote.

Ok, been a while. But got a lot to say hopefully I can remember most of the good stuff. Plus Forrest has been showing up my blog so I want to at least write some more interesting things.

I am in Mabalane now. Forrest and I got a nice set up. The village is small and chill. It is green and really flat. Hot and dry so far. I like it. The peple have been really nice. We ate lunch and hung out with some prisioners and guards at the judges house yesterday. So we have a prison in Mabalane and the prisoner go out and get drunk with the guards. We meet this guy who talks and looks a lot like Eddie Murphy, he is doing ten years for thief, so Forrest an I invited him over to talk Englisg whenever. Haha

We just hitch hiked into Chokwe the closest city and bought bikes. Not sure how we will get home yet but ride or hitch is probably the answer.

We had a conference at the beach before moving to Mabalane to meet out new bosses. Xai-Xai is awesome. The water is warm and the beach is really nice. So chilling there was so nice. We were really living the dream for a couple days. Still am now but more of the Peace Corps Mozambique one. We do not have energy, so we read with oil lights and cook on our bbq like grill. We are about 1 mile from the market and literally right net to the school. There are three two bedroom house and are pretty new. Our director of the school is really nice and the other teachers seem cool. All is well in Mabalane!

So yesterday we seen this guy who asked us for money (he looked like he needed it) and Forrest gave him 1 or 2 mets. We were talking and I was wondering what he was going to spend it on. Then maybe 5 minutes later he walked by smoking a cigarette, haha it was so funny. Glad I didnt his cig. But I dont know how I feel about giving money. Im from this rich country and have all this stuff. Then the Peace Corps gives us a bunch of money to move in and buy things. So Forrest does not mind giving money away, I dont either. But not sure if that actually helps the person. I want to try and spend all my money so it goes to the community and country. Just failed by buying a bike made in China, but for now on. That is one of my goals buy local stuff and food too.

Last Friday was our last night as a group and went to this party with 3 fiends it was on the 14th floor of this apartment overlooking the ocean and city of Maputo. They had these two wesome drums and i played a little. But I cant really play drum yet maybe next time.

Well here is that time where I cant think of anything else to say. Trying to read, write, and study Portuguese with my free time. Which I have a crazy amount of right now. I have been thinking about life and deeper stuff lately and trying to write in this journal. So send me some messages and lets chat about life, philosophy, or just tell me about what i going on in the states.

No energy so keep writing even if I dont reply. Im reading them! For some reason I can log on reply to facebook messages a lot easier than my yahoo email. SO hit me up. Peace and do good things
