Sunday, November 14, 2021

Chewie? Chewie, is that you?

I, maybe, edited a couple posts. Drew (Moz 19?), an education Peace Corps volunteer didn't survive Mabalane and was relocated to another site. I've talked to a few of my former students occasionally. The 70-100 kilometer dirt road to Mabalane is now paved. There's a bank, one of my former students works there. The village sounds a lot more like a town.

I read an amazing economics book on poverty, Poor Economics. This should be a must read for all PCVs and or people going overseas for foreign aid.

As for me, Helen and I are married with child and dog. I couldn't hack it as a stay at home dad, so I have been supplementing my domestic duties with subbing at the local secondary schools. Until the next update,

Peace, love, and do good things
