How serious is this whole Joseph spirit thing??? Well today, morning classes were cancelled because all the students were required to be in the village to greet the Governor of Gaza who was coming out to Mabalane to take care of the Joseph problem. I'll learn the results later today.
How crazy is this? Well to put it into relative terms, This would be like Gov Kitzhaber (who I just looked up because I didn't know who won the last election or even you was running) going out to Butte Falls because of ghost.
Have a nice day!
How crazy is this? Well to put it into relative terms, This would be like Gov Kitzhaber (who I just looked up because I didn't know who won the last election or even you was running) going out to Butte Falls because of ghost.
Have a nice day!
Jimmy! just finished reading you long post & now this one. sounds like you have been up to a lot of adventures, sucks school is on mon & fri but im sure you will still have plenty of time for activities. Stay safe & dont disregard bad spirits... it sounds a little extreme over there but ya never know what to expect!
Whats wrong with Butte Falls
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